Monday, August 24, 2009

"I made it to the Top!"-- Climb to Conquer Cancer

The American Cancer Society in New Mexico hosted its third annual Climb to Conquer Cancer event Saturday to honor cancer survivors and remember those we’ve lost to cancer.

Nearly two dozen teams of all ages and backgrounds from the local community walked, ran, or biked 6.5 miles up the Sandia Crest Byway to the breathtaking summit at 10,678 feet where a family- fun festival awaited with food, entertainment and a silent auction.

The proceeds of nearly $15,000 will go to the fight against cancer. Those that made the climb can proudly say "I made it to the top." Many thanks to our sponsors and volunteers!


1 comment:

  1. Love it! Climb to Conquer Cancer is an amazing event!! Congrats John & the New Mexico American Cancer Society
